Keynote remarks from the Australia Japan Security and Decarbonisation event


On Thursday, 5 December, the Perth USAsia Centre led by Gordon Flake  hosted a business briefing with Mr Takayuki Ueda, President and CEO of INPEX CORPORATION, Japan’s flagship energy company.  Ueda San spoke on the topic of Australia Japan Security and Decarbonisation and the geopolitical nature of energy and the special relationship between Australia and Japan.  Richard Sandover as chair of Australia Japan Business Council attended.  He was again struck by the common theme AJBC is hearing among its members of the importance today of the strategic relationship between Australia and Japan and the opportunities for more and deeper forms of collaboration in the economic and strategic spheres. AJBC commends Ueda San’s speech.


The full remarks and more details can be accessed via the link below:

Business Briefing: Energy Security and decarbonisation – Perth USAsia Centre